Group Decisions and Voting
The module consists of four parts:
theory part presents the topics related to group decisions and voting.
online quizzes you can test your knowledge on group decisions and voting.
In the
assignment part voting procedures are applied to a given group decision-making problem.
In the
evaluation part you can give feedback on the learning environmen and material.
The duration of the assignment is
2-3 hours.
After reading the module you should know:
- Some potential methods to improve group decisions
- How voting may be used in group decisions?
- Most commonly used voting procedures
- What is weak preference and social choice function?
- Arrow's theorem
- How to calculate group preferences from individual preferences
Read the learning material on
Group Decisions and Voting.
If the slides don't show full screen use
this version.
(Your display resolution is 1280p*1024 or higher.)
Also the corresponding Power Point presentations are available.
Test your knowledge on on the subject with a
Group Decisions and voting
quiz in the Quiz Star server.
The purpose of the assignment is to make you familiar with the Opinions Online software and the most commonly used voting procedures.
See the
Assignment instructions
on learning material, assignment, online quiz etc. All comments and responses are processed anonymously.